How Can a Strong Sales Culture Enhance Business Productivity?

28 Nov 2022

People holding up a piece of paper, symbolizing unity and collaboration, contributing to a positive sales culture.

The cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, notions of time, and roles acquired by a group of people.

You just read the dictionary explanation of culture—the cumulative deposit of some terms for a group of people. But is it that simple? Is the definition sufficient to embrace the culture of that group of people? Do you believe your company is implementing its culture into your daily life at work?

Embracing and implementing culture is a whole to-do for a company. Why?

Happy employees are 12% more productive.

Company culture is that company's personality, and it is essential to create a good work culture with the people who believe in that culture. Employees are spending one-third of their lives in the workplace. Thus, an employee's emotional changes at work also affect their overall emotional state and productivity.

A happy culture created waves across the business.

  • Effects performance by increasing productivity.
  • Decreases stress and burnout across the company.
  • Increases the retention rate and engagement.
  • Encourages the talents to stay in the company.
  • Affects performance and success ratios.

90% of executives also agree that having a solid company culture is essential to business productivity. But is this productivity related to sales performance?

Yes, it is related to the sales performance

A strong, healthy, and happy culture enhances sales performance by affecting productivity, motivation, stress, and engagement. In fact, happy employees due to the culture outperform their competitors by more than 20%.

Sales culture - enhance sales performance

Developing a strong culture is a little tricky. Even though every company has its own culture with differences, sales cultures have common traits; they bring out the best in the salespeople. Remember, your salespeople represent your company to the outside world. You can achieve this sales culture with some simple tips:

Healthy communication and trust

Creating healthy communication inside the workplace is a substantial factor in elevating your sales culture. Technical knowledge could be learned from school, but in the world, your salespeople are facing real-world issues. With a healthy communication environment, the sales team can chat and learn from the experiences of each other to increase their knowledge - not just with each other, but also with you!

  • Listen to your reps, accept the feedback and react to them with your actions.
  • Remember, trust is a two-way communication - do not micromanage your reps.
  • Commit and keep your word to be reliable.

Friendly competition

Creating friendly competition inside the company is a great way to thrive and enhance your salespeople with reward activity. But the critical factor is to keep this competition "friendly." If you let it turn into an aggressive way, there will be degrading or discouraging outcomes.

You can give your team a common, external cause to work towards and grow together, and encourage them to beat their own goals, last month’s results, and quarterly records.

Add rewards - not just based on results

Results are great, but they could also be discouraging if you let them lead the way. The sales world is complicated and emotionally challenging. Creating milestones, aims, and successes and rewarding the ones who take action will be a great way to motivate your salespeople.

Share a common vision - the big picture

Employees are looking for a big picture to show up and work daily. Your mission in the company and team should be unique. It is possible to create a shared vision to excite your salespeople and make them eager to join the process. This shared vision also inspires them as well as feel appreciated, respected, and included.

Learning and development opportunities

Like the general world, the sales environment is also changing regularly and quickly. Every area and era has different techniques and priorities regarding sales. Salespeople should train themselves periodically and efficiently, but unfortunately, company training programs are not as efficient as you might think. You must ensure that your training is ongoing, skills- and product-focused, and customized. If you don't have inside training opportunities, you need to create an environment where your salespeople can reach outsourced information and training material easily. Training duration and performance are essential for your culture and company as a whole.

Start to change your sales culture today

The sales culture in the company impacts employee satisfaction and engagement in the end - thereby organizational performance. Creating and implementing a good sales culture is not easy to do for a company, but with the tips that we have mentioned above and knowledge of the common points of a good sales culture, it will be much more pain-free.

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