Mid Market, Deal Execution, Customer Support


Vartopia uses feedback and coaching to improve review time by 80%



Worland, Wyoming, USA






Information Technology, Service Industry

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The company

With a rich history of innovation, Vartopia has been at the forefront of channel management solutions since its inception. It provides channel technology solutions for vendors and partners, including a partner relationship management product, channel revenue management systems, and a unique marketplace directory designed to simplify the access of channel partners to the tools provided by the vendors they do business with.

The challenge

Vartopia wants to add visibility to its customers to understand their current and potential pain points more easily by understanding them and creating a safe environment for them.

The outcome

Spiky provided additional visibility and accuracy to its customers with feedback and a coaching section that gives suggestions and potential missing parts for twelve different meeting types.

Vartopia, a leading channel management solutions provider, understands the importance of customer feedback awareness.

Before Spiky, Vartopia used manual analysis for their sales and customer support team with manual feedback generation. They need to watch the meetings and repeatedly listen to the calls to find the important topics discussed, the customer's pain points, and the missing questions asked.

Vartopia's challenge was to gain more visibility into its customers' needs and pain points.

Vartopia is committed to delivering exceptional customer service at every stage of the customer journey. Our unique approach involves meticulous review of customer interactions to ensure we meet individual needs. The introduction of Spiky has streamlined this process, making it more efficient without compromising on quality.

Thanks to Spiky, Vartopia's sales, support, and implementation teams can easily understand customers’ current and potential pain points. Spiky's feedback and coaching help customers understand their concerns better and provide them with actionable insights to improve their performance. Spiky offers unique input for each meeting type, such as qualification, persuasion, mentorship, one-on-one, customer success, etc. The sales and customer success representatives of Vartopia analyze their meetings automatically and understand their success and improvement points based on their meeting type.

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80% more visible improvement points

Tracking and manual labeling is tricky, especially if you have many weekly meetings. Understanding the type of the meeting, remember the potential topics that you need to discuss and questions to ask (if you can place them all), rewatch the session (if you didn't forget to record), and determine the successful and missing topics for the meetings, … And do this for every single meeting that you have.

Vartopia's CEO, Michael Reilly, said that what used to take at least an hour to review a meeting completely can now rip through it in 10 minutes, resulting in an 80% improvement in review time, saving up to 15 hours per week for managers and sales enablement teams.

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The feedback and coaching section guides improving customer success, understanding customer needs, and increasing sales. In addition, it also offers potential topics to discuss, questions to ask, and tips to make specific meetings more successful. Vartopia's customers can now stay up-to-date with their performance, identify and address their pain points, and understand their customers better.

Vartopia is committed to providing its customers with the best possible experience, and Spiky has enabled them to do just that. By adding visibility and accuracy to its customers, Vartopia has increased customer satisfaction, which has resulted in increased sales numbers.

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