
How Did We Prepare for AppSumo?

16 Nov 2023

Online sales and customer support analytics tool Spiky for the AppSumo listing page.

We have a story to tell - our journey with AppSumo. It's not just about launching a product; it's a story that spans more than two months and is filled with the spirit of collaboration, perseverance, and the sweet taste of success.


  • AppSumo is a marketplace connecting creators with users for exclusive deals, fostering community.
  • We followed prepare, list, and launch.
  • Actively engaged during the launch.
  • Stayed online, addressed questions, and guided potential customers.
  • Maintained open communication about the product roadmap based on user feedback.
  • Creatively prepared assets and adjusted the product for AppSumo standards.

Our AppSumo deal is closed, but you can always use our product - check it out!

Discover our AppSumo video to find out what awaits you!

What is AppSumo?

Imagine a bustling marketplace where innovative products get a chance to shine and users discover exclusive deals. AppSumo is more than a platform; it's a community that connects creators with a diverse audience eager to discover the latest gems.

Our AppSumo adventure began in September 2023, but the groundwork started a little earlier. It wasn't just business but a virtual handshake, an agreement to embark on a journey together. Little did we know that this collaboration would become a springboard for introducing our product to a broader, more enthusiastic audience.

Three steps to success: Prepare, List, and Launch

The AppSumo journey unfolds in three rhythmic steps: Prep, List, and Launch. Each step is a dance move in our choreography that ensures our product is front and center on the AppSumo platform.

  • Prepare: Creativity leads the way as we meticulously create assets and fine-tune our product to meet AppSumo's standards.
  • List: A digital showcase followed as we submitted all the necessary details through the AppSumo portal, setting the stage for our product to shine.
  • Launch: The curtain rose, and it was time to be the town crier. Spreading the word became our anthem as we actively engaged with the AppSumo community.

Transparency matters

Curious and vibrant, the AppSumo community had questions - especially about our roadmap. We adopted an open communication policy and updated our roadmap based on user feedback and requests. After all, authenticity is the secret sauce to building lasting relationships.

When launch day arrived, we quickly learned that this was just the beginning. The AppSumo community thrives on engagement, and being present was non-negotiable. We became digital social butterflies, answering questions, guiding prospects, and making connections within the dynamic Sumo-ling community.

Spiky is a very high quality product, and has very high quality support.

I fully recommend this to other AS users.

- dan987

AppSumo's dashboard and Slack hangouts

AppSumo provides its partners with valuable tools: the partner dashboard and the Slack channel. The dashboard offers a backstage pass to analytics, giving you insight into the performance of your campaigns. The Slack channel, a digital hangout where partners connect with AppSumo's support team, became our go-to place for real-time help and camaraderie.

Creating a standout listing

Creating a listing page is an art. We carefully curated a compelling product description, snappy headers, and even a TL;DR section for those who prefer the short and sweet. Our listing wasn't just a display; it was an invitation, offering a glimpse into the heart and soul of our product.

Lights, camera, activation!

We didn't stop with words; we added visuals to the mix. A video showcased the ease of activating our product with AppSumo Credits, shining the digital spotlight on a seamless user experience.

Spiky Analytics ROCKS!!

5 Tacos for Spiky!

The first thing I'd like to point out is Spiky's customer service. I have NEVER had the opportunity to be greeted by a customer service representative that has contacted me to walk me through the portal that made me navigate through the dashboard confidently. Learning were to search for specific analytics for my calls was a game changer. I can see all my transcripts, request feedback for over 11 different call types (sales, customer services, board and even one on one) meetings.

Biggest PLUS was being able to create snippets of the best parts of a call to add to the academy that can benefit staff onboarding calls for different departments like what to do and not do on a call. I also have a CRM where I can download the calls and upload them into Spiky to get feedback.

Overall, I am very satisfied with this product and am planning to add the rest of the team to Spiky.

- Ives101

Before you go

We want to give you a small list to make our lives easier during your AppSumo listing process. AppSumo team will always be there for you, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared, right?

  • One-line product description - max 125 characters
  • Header and subheader
  • Keywords (max 3)
  • Header image to showcase your product
  • Introduction, where you explain your product
  • TL;DR part for people who don't like long texts
  • Four header images with four body text for you to explain your features
  • Use cases and market fit explanation
  • Product demo where you show how your product can be used
  • Thank you and the introductory post from the founders
  • Funding and HQ-related questions
  • Important links to help your potential leads include a roadmap, help center, social media, etc.

These are some of the required fields you must fill out to create your listing page.

It is all about creation and experience

As Spiky, we opened the door to our story, danced through the steps, and found joy in the camaraderie of the Sumo community. If you're considering an AppSumo launch, consider this an invitation to join the story, where handshakes lead to high-fives, and every step is a step towards success.

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