Spiky Chosen as Top 50 Startup for 4YFN23 Awards

20 Feb 2023

Spiky earns a spot in the 4YFN Awards Top 50, displayed in a grand room. A global competition for top digital startups.

The 4YFN Awards is a global startup competition aimed at finding the best digital startups around the globe. It is the highest official recognition offered exclusively to startups during MWC Barcelona 2023.

We're thrilled to share that Spiky has been handpicked as one of the Top 50 Startups for the prestigious 4YFN Awards 2023. It's an immense honor to be recognized as one of the top companies on the basis of our innovation, soundness, traction, potential, impact, and fit. We couldn't be more excited to be part of this exclusive club of cutting-edge startups.

The event's theme, "Humanizing Technology," is a poignant reminder of the need to build technology that puts humanity first. We're proud to join the ranks of entrepreneurs committed to creating a more compassionate and humane world by using technology to tackle society's most pressing issues.

Spiky is here to empower your revenue teams with our epochal technology.

Our proprietary AI-powered solution measures the effectiveness of your sales meetings by analyzing non-verbal cues, vocal meaning, and meeting context in real time. By combining data from your CRM and video conferencing tools, we help you gain valuable insights into how you can improve sales meetings and increase revenue. We provide meeting summaries, question detection, and follow-up todos that are automated and convenient to help you streamline data collection.

As one of the Top 50 startups, we've been invited to pitch at the prestigious 4YFN Pitching Area on February 28th, 17:15 - 18:00, and to participate in the exclusive 4YFN Awards Networking Cocktail on February 27th, 16:00 - 17:00! If you're attending, do stop by and meet us at 4YFN - Hall 8.1. We can't wait to connect with you!

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